


  慈悲救贖主,天地海的創造主,(Gracious Redeemer, Maker of earth and sea and sky,)
  帶著感恩來到他面前,(O come before Him with thanksgiving,)
  謙卑就近創造你的主,(And humbly now to your Maker draw nig h,)
  默默獻上你的祈禱;(Offer up your silent petitions there, He will acknowledge your prayer.)
  人子犧牲,獻上自己,(The Son of Man, by death our sacrifice,)
  他是萬王之王、自有永有的那位,(The King of kings, and the great I AM,)
  我們等候他的復活,(We wait the coming resurrection,)
  那時基督裏的人將看見羔羊,(When those in Christ shal l see the Lamb.)
  慈悲救贖主。(Gracious Redeemer.)

  慈悲救贖主,宇宙根基之羔羊被殺,(Gracious Redeemer, Lamb from the world’s foundation slain,)
  當世界的歷程結束,(This earthly pilgrimage departing,)
  我們尋求天上更美的家鄉,(We seek a better land above,)
  那裏有平安和屬天的喜樂,(Where all is peace and heavenly joy,)
  得蒙主愛,何等有福;(Blessed by the Savior’s love.)
  唯有他配得我們的讚美,(For He alone is worthy of our praise,)
  沒有別的名可以被高舉,(No other name must be lifted on high,)
  救主,我們將的案件呈於你恩典的寶座,(Savior, plead our case in Your mercy,)
  哦,耶穌,今求你靠近你的子民,(O Jesus, now to Your people draw nigh.)
  慈悲救贖主。(Gracious Redeemer.)

  慈悲救贖主,聖安息日的主,(Gracious Redeemer, Lord of the holy Sabbath day,)
  以馬內利,上帝與我們同在,(Emmanuel, our God is with us,)
  童女所生,沙侖的玫瑰,(Conceived by earthly maiden mild,)
  你的愛在我們心中開花,(Rose of Sharon, bloom in our hearts with Your love,)
  在暴風驟雨中拯救我們;(Save in the tempest wild.)
  心懷感恩的兒女們感謝你,(We give You thanks as grateful children,)
  因著你的恩典,我們受洗脫離罪惡,(And baptized from our sins by Your grace,)
  我們尋求珍貴的天國,(We seek the rare and heavenly moment,)
  我們瞻仰你榮耀發光的面龐,(We v iew Your radiant, g lorious face.)
  慈悲救贖主。(Gracious Redeemer)

  * 要想聽桑德拉親自演繹的這首曲子,請瀏覽http://roseburg.adventistnw.org;點擊“Special Music Library”,選擇2010年4月10日。
